I have just landed on the transnubular  superhighway of your creation.

Presently, I am running in circles on the universal O-Ring,  gaining speed

and losing ground simultaneously on the edge of your blue supercollider.

I could live forever on nitrogen laced e-cigarettes and the fumes off the canvas,

your world is so bold I feel like combing my hair with a chain-saw and bleeding out,

add a little vermilion to the composition to heighten the already abundant texture,

mountains of cinnabar, valleys of azure, plains ribboned with ridges of siena and ochre.

Oh, I could live in your swirling world, a wild diver with fins and gills, a snorkeler

for hidden treasure, probing wrinkles on the ancient sea bottom with unabashed glee.

Today I say to you my friend thanks for the invite into your highly articulated cosmos!